Monday, 25 February 2013

Windows: Key Board Shortcuts

  Some Key Board Shortcuts for Windows

Mastering the keyboard shortcuts will not only be increasing the navigation speed but it could able to help the wrist fatigue. Here are some known Windows shortcuts that help to become a keyboard expert.


Global Windows Shortcuts:

Win+1; Win+2; Win+3; Win+4 and etc., 
will launch the programs / applications, which were a series in task bar. Using these shortcuts may helpful to keep the most used programs at the beginning of task bar. So the user may open them one after another. This works, also, in Windows Vista for the quick launch icons.

Win+Alt+1; Win+Alt+2; Win+Alt+3 and etc., 
will open, in a small window, for the programs / applications, which were in the task bar.  
will move through task bar's programs / applications and could be launched the same by hitting Space Bar or Enter Key.

all windows will be minimized except the current; and can be retrieved with the same key.

selects the system tray, which is not always in use; but a handy shortcut when the mouse is not responding.

Win+Up/Down Key 
maximizes/minimizes the current window then restores, too. It's similar as clicking the middle button of the mouse.

switches the windows in the order they were opened.

(is like Alt+Esc, but) switches the windows in a preview overlay.

Win+Pause (Break) 
opens the System Properties window, which may helpful to see the name of the computer and system statistics.

opens the start menu.
will open Windows Task Manager, directly. No need to hit Ctrl+Alt+Del first, then to choose Start Task Manager.

will open the Windows System Menu that can be used to Restore (r), Maximize (x), Minimize (n), Close (c), and Move (m). 
This shortcut also be helpful for windows, which do not closed by the shortcut of Alt+F4.

Windows Explorer Shortcuts  

Shift+F10 or Right Click  will open Contextual Menu for a file/folder. This handy tool is a speedy one, for those who wanted to select appropriate options by pressing the underlined letter to access the option faster. 

Shift+Del deletes a file permanently.  i.e., not sending to Recycle Bin.

Ctrl+Shift+N creates a new folder in the current directory.

Alt+Enter will open Folder / File Properties, which may allow to view Size of the file, Created Date, Security, Details and so on. 

F2 Re-naming (edit) files or folders.

F3 will open the Search Bar (Find:) in Internet Explorer. To close this Bar, just press Esc. 
In some programs F3 will also open Search Dialog Box within that program.

F6 cycles the objects in current window. In explorer this will cycle between the location bar, options bar, left pane, and right pane. It also works with varying success in other programs.

F10 toggles the file menu in explorer.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

How to clearing the Web History

How to clearing the Web History
Web (browsing) history refers the list of web pages, which has been visited recently, and its associated with the data like page title, time of visit etc.,

Web browser's software does this activity, as a third-party services, to record browsing history partially or completely in order to provide the user to go back the pages as he visited previously or remember where the user have been on the web. 

I'd like to dedicate (and share) this article, especially for beginners to understand how to clean the browsing history for some major browsers and enhance the speed.    


Internet Explorer 9 
There are different ways to clear the browsing history. 

Way 1: From Menu bar click Tools then choose Internet Options. A window will open like pictured below.       

From Browsing history area, click Delete button then another window (Delete Browsing History) will open like pictured below. 

Now, remove the tick marks from the boxes, except for History then hit the Delete button. The web history will be erased

Way 2: Click Settings button, then navigate to Safety and choose Delete browsing history. After this action, the same window, like in Way 1,  (Delete Browsing History) will open. Do the same procedures, as mentioned in Way 1, to clean the web history.    

A keyboard combination Ctrl+Shift+Del will also be directed you to the window of Delete Browsing History.

Use the wrench icon to clean browsing data as shown in the picture below. i.e., wrench icon > Tools > Clear browsing data

After this action you will be directed to another window like below pictured. Leave the tick mark for the box of Clear browsing history then hit Clear browsing data button.  

The same keyboard combination Ctrl+Shift+Del will took you to Clear Browsing Data window.

From Menu bar click Tools then choose and click on Clear Recent History. A window will open as pictured below. 

Leave the tick mark, as it is, for the box of Browsing & Download History and remove the tick marks for other boxes then hit Clear Now button  to clean the browsing history.

keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Del will also open Clear All History window. 

In fact there are several other things such as Temporary Internet Files, Download History etc., has also be cleaned for the visited browsers, which will faster the speed of related browser 

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

NFC: What's it? & How it's work?

NFC: What's it? & How it's work?

NFC - Near Field Communication is a hardware for smartphones and similar devices like some laptops to establish radio communication with each other by touching them together or bringing them into close proximity. Communications is also possible between a NFC device and an unpowered NFC chip, called a "Tag".

Nowadays, most of the new smartphones has been equipped with NFC hardware to make all the things. However, the people, who equipped with NFC smartphones haven’t used the NFC capabilities. NFC might be the future for payments, security keys, boarding passes and all in all.

Establishing a NFC connection is easy, by touching NFC equipped devices together. If you've two NFC equipped smartphones, then they should be touched together back to back. And if you have the tag of NFC, then you would have to touch the back of the NFC equipped smartphone with the NFC tag. The hardware NFC is included in a wide range of devices, which supports Android and Windows platform as well. 

Mobile Payments through NFC is similar as tap-to-pay contactless payment. NFC equipped phones can be touched or waved over NFC enabled payment terminal, to pay, as you wish, instead of using a credit card. 

Some car parking lots in San Francisco has equipped with NFC parking meters that allow the people to pay parking taxes by tapping NFC equipped phone against the parking meters. India is implementing NFC based transactions in Box Offices for ticketing purposes. Germany, Austria, Finland, New Zealand and Italy have trialed NFC ticketing systems for public transport.

Transferring Data over Bluetooth and Wi-Fi is competent between two phones, if both were equipped with NFC. NFC offers a low speed connection with simple setup. Android phones has a software named Android Beam, which uses NFC technology, to share web pages, contacts, photos, video and other type of information and establish Bluetooth connections, too, for doing file transfer. By touching the two phones back to back, the content being viewed on one device then will be forwarded to other. The same principle could also be applied to Wi-Fi networks. Social Networks also be accessed in NFC technology such as sharing contacts, photos, videos or files.

NFC Tags are like stickers, which can be programed by NFC Apps. Anyone can buy NFC Tags, which are cheaper, and able to configure the tasks such as changing of phone settings, creating text then sent or executing any number of commands that the smartphone comes with NFC Tag. 

For instance, you need the smartphone should always be in silent mode when you go to sleep. Instead of doing this manually every night, you could arrange a NFC tag at your bedside table and place the phone onto the NFC tag then the phone will perform an action of configuration, such as automatically enabling to silent mode.

To access Wi-Fi through a NFC tag is simple and the NFC tag should be configured SSID and Passphrase of the related Wi-Fi network. When you need to access Wi-Fi on your phone, then touch the phone onto the NFC tag and log on, rather keying all the details manually.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

How to create Keyboard Shortcuts for Applications?

Do you like to Create Keyboard Shortcuts for Applications?

Are you just need to assign one or few keyboard special shortcuts for your favorite programs? A small modification in programing, changes a quickest way to get you up and run without installing additional software. 

Here's the procedure: Open Start Menu and to which program you'd like to create a keyboard shortcut., (for e.g. Opera Web Browser) then move the mouse over Opera icon to high light. Right click on the icon, and select properties.       
Now Opera's  properties window will open as pictured below. Open the Shortcut tab and click on the box of Shortcut key, which is showing as None. 

Choose a suitable letter for the program, which has to be assigned for shortcut key, (such as  O for Opera, E for Explorer etc.,) then type the letter O in the box of text area

When typing the letter O, the command keys, Ctrl and Alt will automatically be added in the text area, like Ctrl+Alt+O.   

Click OK to finish the process. 

Now a key board shortcut has been assigned for you to open Opera Browser by pressing Ctrl+Alt+O. This new shortcut will speed up in accessing your favorite software - Opera. 

Like the same procedure, you may assign key board shortcuts for other applications or software such  as browsers, calculator and so on.   

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Get FREE: Quick Start Guides For Office 2013

Quick Start Guides For Office 2013 

Microsoft has recently released a new version for Office 2013 with awesome features and changes. If you're new or not so familiar to this new version, then you may download any of the FREE Quick Start Guides. 

The printable guides having useful tips, shortcuts, etc., to help the user to work in and around. 

Windows 8 users may open and view these guides by the Reader App of Windows 8, without any further steps; for Windows older version, its necessary to install the free Adobe Reader before open and view these guides. All guides are in PDF format with a range of 5 to 9 pages. Here's the link to get the quick start guides for the new version of Office 2013.