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Saturday, 13 February 2016
The Best Productivity App! But We Just Don't Know It Yet!!
The Best Productivity App! But We Just Don't Know It Yet!!
A zillion productivity Apps are available and those help us to organizing our day, emailing more efficient way, remembering our grocery list and a lot of them are good; but let's be real: We won't ever use them!
Yes, our smartphones already come armed with basically everything you need to become a more productive human.
Whether you have an Android device or an iPhone, there's a good chance to use these things already without realizing their full potential. This article guides you to unlock the most productive feature on your smartphone, and no downloads are necessary.
Android If you're not using "Google Now" App; and it's time to start. Hopefully, it's pre-installed on your phone; but you can also download the App, if you're missing it. (The same App is also available for iOS, though we'll explain later).
The App can read your text messages for you, take down your reminders and deliver smart updates such as bad weather, traffics, flights, packages that you're expecting and so on.
The biggest thing we use, here is, for: REMINDERS. The way, we use, seems really stupid, but believe this function will be an enjoyable experience. Just pull up 'Google Now' App - either tapping it, or saying a voice command (on certain phones), and press down the 'home' button - then say "Okay Google." This will prompt the App to listen of your command. Now, you can make better choices with simple reminders as follow:
"Remind me to buy bubble wrap at Kmart"
And if you've allowed Google to track your phone's location, then Google gives a buzz when you pass the store. It's really a pretty awesome feature!
"Remind me to pre-heat the oven when I get home"
Yes, it's also a kind of weird; but you should tell Google your home address to get specific location then you got reminders when you reach home after work!
"Remind me to call Grandma this weekend" She loves you!
You'll absolutely look like a lunatic, when you're saying all of these things on your phone; but just whisper them very quietly into your device's microphone. The App will hear you just fine.
Above said reminders are just one very basic use for the App. But there are a slew of functions and other voice commands that are so useful. For example: you can ask it how to say "help me" in Spanish. It's pretty great!
There is also a major caveat: You have to be ready with turning
your personal data over to Google. To get the most out of Google Now,
you have to let it automatically dig through your Gmail and search for
bits of information. Just decide, if that is worth for you, though you
can always monitored what data Google is collecting via your activity page.
While you can download Google's App for many of the above
features on your iPhone, and remember that the whole point is to avoid
superfluous things you're not likely to use on your device. Think of
your home screen as a beautiful zen garden of vital programs, if you
must. We recommend trying to get more out of Siri.
The famed digital assistant can understand a lot of the same voice
commands as the Google Now App. It can also remind you to pre-heat the
oven when you get home - if your iPhone doesn't know your address,
you'll be prompted to type it in.
Like Google Now, it
understand a ton of other voice commands
that can increase your efficiency. Want to know what song is playing?
Don't ask the human DJ or Google the lyrics. Just ask Siri and let it
take a listen.
The big takeaway here is
that you can probably get creative with the stuff that's already built
into your smartphones to improve your life and avoid clogging your
storage with other apps you don't really need.
If you really must try
other apps, there are a ton out there: for Android and iOS.
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