Thursday, 23 January 2014

Zipped Files

Zipped Files 

ZIP is an archive file format, which contains one or more files or folders and they have been compressed. The ZIP format is now supported by many software utilities and Microsoft has built-in ZIP support, viz.,"compressed folders", in their versions of Microsoft Windows, since 1998. Apple has also built-in ZIP support in Mac OS X. Most of the free OS has also supporting ZIP in the same manners of Windows and Mac.  

ZIP files generally use the file extensions ".zip" or ".ZIP" and the MIME media type. So, ZIP files can be used in lot of different things such as File Compression, Encryption, Split Archives and more. Zip files work in a way of compressing the files and reduce the storage. 

A folder, which contains 20 files or more, and the folder couldn't able to e-mail; instead, you should have to e-mail 20 files, individually, one after one! In these situation, zip format works really great and they zipping-up those 20 files into a single zip archive then allowing you to e-mail them. 

Zip archive is a convenience to reducing the storage by means of compressing then able to transmit them across the net so easier, too. So, zip archives allow to make your files 'compress and combine'; and it's the definition for zip file format. 

Zip and Unzip: Windows has in-built ability to zip and unzip the files; so, no need of downloads to use any software programs. To create zip file folder, right click anywhere on your desktop of blank area. Go to New then select Compressed (zipped) Folder. This process looks similar as creating a new folder; and it can be renamed, moved around various locations on your computer. 

When a zip folder is created, just choose the files, which has to be zipped, and drag them into the zip folder. You may, also, quickly zip-up some selected files by highlighting them, then right-click and choose Send to > Compressed (zipped) Folder

The primary files, which were drag/send to the zip folder, are not deleted, modified or moved; instead they're only copied and the primary files are, still, in its original location.

Now, the copied zip contents could be transferred, e-mailed, backup or do whatever you wish. 

To un-zip a folder, just right click on the folder, then choose Extract All.          

Now, a window will open and you may choose where the files to be extracted. Click on Extract, a folder will be created and the folder has all the zipped files in it. By default, the contents will be extracted in the same directory, where the zip folder resides. 

Third Party Application: However, Windows provides good supportive for zip and unzip the files, a third party application will also performing a best possible manner. There were lot of third party programs available and they offer additional functions for zipping the files. 

7-zip is an open source software for Windows, which provides a bunch of options that you ever need for zipping files. It works on Windows 7 / Vista / XP / 2008 / 2003 / 2000 / NT / ME / 98, including Linux/Unix and even on commercial computers. 

It's installation is simple and just accept the license agreement then click next until 7-Zip has to be installed. Once installed, just highlight the files, right click over them and add them to a zip archive with 7-Zip.
When click "Add to archive", few options will be revealed as follow:

Encryption:  It's is an useful option, when it protected by a password, then no one able to open the zip folder.

Encryption method: It has two types viz., AES-256 and ZipCrypto. If choosing ZipCrypto, which is weaker in encrypting but has some compatibility issues; and AES-256 is stronger, which works in newer versions of system. 

Encrypt file names: Giving names to files/folders is a better idea to know the contents inside and encrypting file names is a choice in which someone couldn't able to archive them. So, tick 'Encrypt file names' button to access this option.  

In archive format, select file extension 7z instead of zip to encrypt file names.  

7-zip application should also be required on other systems to open 7z files, when forwarding to others. If the other end of receiver doesn't has 7-zip application on his system, then create 'self extracting archive', a zip file format with .exc extension, which provides best archives at both ends. 

To create 'self extracting archive' just tick 'Create SFX archive', to enable the process, which automatically, extracts the file to execute.

Split to volumes: If an archived file, around 1GB, has to be kept on a CD, which can hold a data of 700MB, then 2 CD's (700MB + 700MB) are need to keep 1GB file. The file of 1GB has to be split-up then to fit on those 2 CD's. 7-Zip application can do the process by split-up the file and fit them on 2 CD's. Just select the common values as shown below or enter the custom size, which would've to split. 

Compression level: 7-Zip will provide a good compression level, especially, to the big group of files and slower CPU. Keep the compression level to Normal, which eliminates good compression.